WeekLight ON TOUR

To celebrate my new book WeekLight, I’m heading to Europe – read on for times, dates and details of events in London.
I’ve taken the way we eat vegetables and given it a total overhaul! You’ll find all the things we know we should eat in here, but in a fast, family-friendly style. Think vegies that are caramelised, crunchy, fresh, silky, smooth and big on personality plus a few variations with meat as well.
I hope you can join me at one of the events below – stay tuned for more details on my personal Instagram account @donna.hay. D.x
LONDON Tuesday October 22, 7pm
Intimate dinner and chat, plus a copy of WeekLight
Oscar Bar & Restaurant, Charlotte Street Hotel BUY tickets here
LONDON Wednesday October 23, 6pm - 8pm
Chat with Fiona McCarthy and book signing
Anthropologie Regent Street SAVE a seat here
ANTWERP Friday November 1, 7.30pm
Appearance at the Book Fair
Exclusive dinner at Hall 4 BUY tickets here
For more information click here
October 19 - I’ll be making a guest appearance on BBC One’s Saturday Kitchen Live