Curating a healthy space for creativity

In partnership with Dyson.
There’s something so rewarding about taking time to re-focus and find balance in my space. A clean space makes for a clear mind and taking the time to reorganise and reset always works wonders for my creativity.
Curating your space around what you love, what inspires you and what will keep your body and mind healthy is a guaranteed way to keep you focussed on the most important things. I’m all about finding better and more innovative ways to do things, and keeping our space clean and healthy is one of the top priorities on my list when things get busy. When we’re working on the latest DH project, everyone from the kitchen team, production and team DH are all often together in one space. With people and equipment moving in and out, recipes being tested and sets being created, we’ve got to stay on top of keeping our space creative and motivating. Lots of people doing lots of work in one space requires some innovative solutions to keep us all working at our best. A focus on comfort, inspiration and air quality tends to go a long way. Keeping a space that’s balanced, healthy and full of clean air is way more important than you think when it comes to fostering inspiration and creativity, and there are a few key ways I like to keep the studio balanced that will add to the well-being of your home space too.
There’s a surprising amount of nasty chemicals in everyday cleaning products. While you may feel like these products keep your space clean, they can often introduce unwanted chemicals into the air of your home, contributing to a space that doesn’t feel so nice. It’s easy to reach for spray cleaners and chemicals when things start getting messy, but there are so many better ways to keep your home clean and healthy without spreading unnecessary air pollutants. Funnily enough, I often look to my pantry when I want to cleanse my kitchen space. Baking soda makes a great cleaner for stainless steel, a mixture of vinegar, water and lemon makes a great all-purpose spray, and even running a cut lemon over your timber cutting boards can give them a quick refresh. Food can be more than just tasty!
When we’re super busy in the studio switching between ovens, stovetops and styling our space, you can’t beat the efficiency of an air purifier with whole-machine HEPA filtration to improve air quality and create a healthier space. Holistic health is super important to me, so I was understandably shocked to learn that everyday practices like cooking and cleaning can unwittingly fill the air in your space with potentially harmful pollutants. The air indoors can be 5 times more polluted than the air outside, so it was clear to me that something needed to be done to keep air pollution in our busy studio to a minimum.
The Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Formaldehyde provides the perfect indoor air purification solution for our large open plan space, capturing 99.95% of ultrafine particles and destroying formaldehyde with the touch of a button across our kitchen, production space and office. Having the purifier working in the background is a huge plus, knowing we’re keeping toxic particle pollution and formaldehyde to a minimum no matter how busy it gets.
While you’re also probably wondering how a chemical like formaldehyde can end up in your home (I asked myself the same question), it’s much more commonplace than you think. New building materials and furniture, cleaning chemicals, paint and gas stovetops can be the worst culprits, omitting formaldehyde at room temperature in a process called off-gassing. As formaldehyde is such a nasty chemical, we rely on our purifier to keep even the furthest reaches of our space purified, with the Dyson Link app allowing me to control the air quality in our space from wherever I am. It’s the perfect addition to the studio when things get a little busy!
It may sound obvious but taking the time to fill your space with objects that bring you joy can truly transform your space. I live by the value of there’s no time like the present, so I always have my absolute favourite vintage pieces on display or in use. Don’t discount the idea of a piece ‘speaking’ to you, and always look to fill your space with paintings, homewares, and keepsakes that you genuinely love and enjoy.
It’s no secret that filling your home with plants is such an easy way to bring colour and life into your space. Not only is it a great way to bring the essence of the outdoors in, but studies suggest that indoor plants also have a role to play in boosting your mood. I love to create a full, jungle-esque look for the most impact, using three to five different plants of differing heights to fill my space. If you’re low on room, even a small plant on a shelf or coffee table can bring that little bit of greenery that will make all the difference!
Click here for more tips on how to maintain a healthy home with Dyson’s innovative technologies.