dark chocolate ganache

- 1¾ cups (430ml) single (pouring) cream
- 600g dark (55%) chocolate, grated or finely chopped+
- Place the cream in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until hot but not boiling++.
- Place the chocolate in a large bowl and add the cream, stirring once to remove any chocolate from the base of the bowl. Allow to stand for 2 minutes.
- Stir the ganache gently until just combined. Makes 2¾ cups
+ You can place roughly broken chocolate in a food processor to finely chop, if you prefer.
++ If you have a sugar thermometer, use it to help you measure the temperature of the cream. Remove the cream from the heat at 85–95°C (185–200°F). It will look as though it’s just beginning to bubble from below. If you accidentally boil the cream, it’s best to start again as this can split the ganache.