prosciutto-wrapped baby carrots

- 1kg mixed heirloom baby carrots, trimmed and peeled
- 8 slices prosciutto, cut into 8cm-long strips
- 4 bay leaves
- 8 strips orange rind
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- sea salt and cracked black pepper
- Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Lightly grease 2 large baking dishes. Wrap each carrot in a strip of prosciutto. Divide the wrapped carrots, the bay leaves and orange rind between the dishes. Drizzle with the oil and maple syrup and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 15–18 minutes or until the prosciutto is golden brown and the carrots are tender.
- Sprinkle the carrots with extra pepper to serve. Serves 6–8
Photography: Anson Smart
donna hay team
Hi Rob, liquid does come out of the prosciutto and carrots as they bake - making the glaze you see at the bottom of the tray. The DH team
rob Weaver
hi, just wondering about the picture. the bottom of the tray is completely covered with a brown substance. from the list of ingredients the only one that comes close is maple syrup. being that only 2 tablespoons are used i would imagine most of it would have evaporated in the oven leaving the carrots my drier than pictured. so where exactly does this visual bounty of sauce come from?